Project Title: Suicide Detection

Description: Using this website, users can type their texts in any language and then determine how suicidal it is!

Used Technologies: FastAPI | NextJS | Scikit Learn



Project Title: Solving Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows

Description: Solving TOPTW using different metaheuristics algorithms such as SA, GA, GRASP and Tabu Search

Used Technologies: Clion



Project Title: RedStart Website

Description: RedStart is a company for educational immigration affairs. In this project our purpose was to design their official website in order to provide an amazing environment for their students and staff members

Used Technologies: NextJS | NestJS | Prisma ORM | PostgreSQL



Project Title: CICE

Description: Online 3d platform for users to customize their 3d characters, search different sets of clothes and try it on their 3d models

Used Technologies: NextJS | NestJS | TypeORM | PostgreSQL | Torch | Scikit Learn | Open CV | FastAPI



Project Title: Smart Doctor

Description: This app helps you to diagnose your disease based on your symptoms using machine learning algorithms. Then you can see the relevant doctors based on your illness and book an appointment.

Used Technologies: Django | Android | Scikit Learn | Pandas | Retrofit



Project Title: Smart House

Description: Using Atmega32 chip, we designed a system for a smart house in capable of controlling different devices in a home based on temperature

Used Technologies: Atmega32 | Proteus | Platform IO



Project Title: Football Death Analysis

Description: Football is the most popular sport in the world, but it has its dark side too. In this project we take a look at players who died during the match and try to explore facts and make them clear using data visualization.

Used Technologies: Jupyter Notebook | Pandas | Matplotlib | Seaborn



Project Title: Spotify Top 100 Songs of 2010-2019

Description: People say you can't live without music so do I! Analyzing Spotify Top musics data to see If we can find anything good!

Used Technologies: Jupyter Notebook | Pandas | Matplotlib | Seaborn



Project Title: Clinify

Description: Clinify is a CRM in order to provide beauty and medical clinics a new sense of management. Moreover, it will assist the patients in many related matters such as booking an appointment or getting online consulting

Used Technologies: NestJS | NextJS | MongoDB

